Permanent Makeup in Columbia, MO

Permanent Makeup

Virtual Consultation

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Treatment Type


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Sessions Needed:

Typically 2
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Minimal, minor swelling may occur

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Results Duration:

Mostly permanent, some color boosts needed

Benefits of Permanent Makeup

Boost Confidence

Save Time

Lasting Results

Low Maintenance

Feel Beautiful, Permanently.

All permanent cosmetic procedures are done exclusively by Ani, the salon owner. She has been doing permanent cosmetics since 2008, and is Columbia’s ONLY registered Certified Permanent Cosmetic Professional, and one of only six in the state of Missouri. Ani Alvarez is licensed expert that will make your life easier and enhance your natural beauty with cosmetic tattooing.

Cosmetic tattooing applies a natural pigment into the dermal layer of your skin. It can be used for a variety of cosmetic enhancements including permanent eyebrows, microblading, eyeliner and lip color. Other uses for cosmetic tattooing include scar camoflauge and 3D Areola Repigmentation for cancer survivors.

Stunning Results

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Permanent Makeup Pricing

Microblading / Hair Stroke Brow – starting at $450
Powdered Brow – starting at $450
Eyeliner – starting at $450
Lip Color – starting at $550
6 Week Touch-up – $100
Color Boost (2 years or more) – starting at $275

Work done by Apprentice, under the supervision of Ani:
Brow Model Fee – $350
Eyeliner Model Fee – $350
Lip Color Model Fee – $450

Other Services

3D Areola Repigmentation – call for price
Permanent Makeup Corrections – call for price
Refreshers (Current Clients) – call for price

You will be required to schedule a consultation before an appointment can be made for the procedure itself. A deposit is required to make your appointment and will be applied towards the cost of your service.

Each permanent cosmetic procedure comes with a complimentary consultation, but a $100.00 fee will be applied for each follow-up appointment. While most people usually require only one follow-up, others may require more than one.

Healing Schedule

Client Care Instructions

All permanent cosmetic procedures are multi-session processes, as this is a building process. You are required to come back for a touch-up visit before it can be determined that your work is complete. Touch-up visits are scheduled at 4 week intervals or longer.

Be prepared for the color intensity of your procedure to be significantly sharper, brighter, or darker than what is expected for the final outcome. It will take time for this transition, based upon how quickly the outer layer of your skin exfoliates.

For the next 3-5 days, you will experience some peeling and dryness as the procedure area is healing. This is normal. A great deal of pigment will fade, approximately 50-80%. Again, this is normal. Apply the ointment provided for 3 to 5 days until all peeling has stopped and the surface of the procedure area is smooth. Only a small amount of ointment needs to be applied. It does not need to appear greasy. Using too much ointment may result in irritation or infection.
Treat area gently. Some itching is normal. DO NOT PICK, PEEL, OR SCRATCH the treated area or your color may heal unevenly and you risk scarring and infection. Cotton tipped applicators may be used to gently cleanse the eye area.

No eye makeup is to be applied for 7 days after the procedure. After any eyeliner procedure, start with a new mascara tube. It is recommended not to use an eyelash curler for the first two weeks following the procedure. If you tan, wait 10-14 days before going in the sun or a tanning bed. Do not expose your healing skin to hot tubs, saunas, salt water, chlorinated pools, direct shower spray, hot water, skin creams, ointments or lotions other than what you have been instructed for 10-14 days following your procedure. ALWAYS use sun screen, as it is not only important for even pigmentation when healing, but also helps to prolong the life of your procedure. Cold packs on the eyes following your procedure helps to keep swelling down, and provides comfort during the healing process.

Repeat steps above. If you have been advised to take a cold sore preventative such as Valtrex or Zovirax, be sure to follow the instructions explicitly to prevent outbreaks. Your skin has become “hot” or irritated in which the herpes virus lies dormant and can case outbreaks, so taking the anti-viral prescription is very important.

As do eyebrows and eyeliner, the lips will also fade about 60-80% and will peel as they heal. Once the lips have completely peeled they may appear to look extremely light. DON’T PANIC! The color of the lips will slowly return with a few weeks. We will then do your 4-week follow-up visit.

After a lip procedure, keep your lips moist at all times. DO NOT apply cold packs to lips. Avoid heat, and spicy, salty food. If using herpes medication, continue as prescribed.

And most importantly: BE PATIENT, and follow instructions! The color of your lips may appear darker or lighter depending on the clothes you are wearing, if you are sick, or if you have been tanning. Use a good sunscreen daily.

Get Started

Ready to discover the world of permanent makeup? Complete our consultation request form!

Request a Consultation

Client Forms

Please download the forms on this page, print and complete them, and bring them to your appointment at Beauty & Beyond.

All permanent cosmetic procedures are multi-session processes, as this is a building process. You are required to come back for a touch-up visit before it can be determined that your work is complete. Touch-up visits are scheduled at 4 week intervals or longer.

Frequently Asked Questions